Mahjong Calc Trainer
- Mahjong Calc Trainer
Calculate mahjong score quickly and accurately!!

- Calculate mah-jong score the app makes.
- You can play it for mental exercise other than mahjong practice.
- There are two game modes, Practice and Time Attack.
- The app makes questions automatically in background.
Time Attack
- Try to find correct answers as many as you can in 90 seconds.
- Points are added according to rules below.
- 5fan or more
- 4fan or less
40fu or less…..15pt
50fu or 60fu…..20pt
70fu or more…..30pt
- 3times wrong answer….. Game Over
- You can see the answer of the only last question.
- You can see the answer of each question.
Instruction View
- The instruction view shows you the details of the score.
Privacy Policy
- This application is a free application created by Satoshi Horiguchi.
- In this application, we will never request, collect, sell or sell personal information such as name, address, email address, credit card number, social security number etc. to third parties.
In addition, we do not acquire, use, transfer and sell to the third party, photographs, contact addresses included in the device, data in another application etc.
- This application does not connect to the Web. Therefore, it does not use cookie information stored in the device.
- However, in advertisements displayed in this application, we use a third party service that collects information used to identify you. Please confirm the privacy policy of the third party service provider used by the application from the following link.AdMob
- I may update our privacy policy from time to time. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically review the changes on this page. I will inform you of the change by posting a new privacy policy on this page. These changes will take effect immediately after posting on this page.
- If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this privacy policy, please contact us from the above e-mail link.